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175. Morality and the Human Experience: Exploring Near-Death Experiences

Dora Dell


In the realm of human existence, morality plays a pivotal role. William Search, a renowned author and philosopher, delves into this intricate subject in his books "Why" and "Conversations with chatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence." This blog post explores the fascinating concept of near-death experiences (NDEs) through the lens of Search's theories on the purpose of human existence and morality.

The Enigma of Near-Death Experiences

NDEs are extraordinary events that occur when individuals approach the threshold of death. They report transcending the boundaries of their ego, time, and space, often entering another realm. NDEs have been documented in medical literature for centuries, but it was Raymond Moody who coined the term "near-death experience" and identified the common features shared by many survivors.

Moody's Fifteen Features of NDEs

Moody's 15 distinctive features that define NDEs provide a framework for understanding these profound experiences. They include:

  1. Ineffability: The inability to express the NDE in words.

  2. Hearing the news of one's death: Awareness of one's own passing.

  3. Overwhelming feelings of peace: A sense of tranquility and acceptance.

  4. Hearing a noise: Unusual sounds or music accompanying the experience.

  5. Seeing a tunnel: A dark passage leading to a radiant light.

  6. A sensation of being out of the body: A feeling of detachment from one's physical form.

  7. Meeting non-physical beings: Encounters with spiritual entities or deceased loved ones.

  8. Meeting a "Being of Light": An encounter with a powerful, loving presence.

  9. A life review: A detailed examination of one's past actions, thoughts, and emotions.

  10. A border or point of no return: An obstacle or limit that, if crossed, signifies a permanent transition to the other realm.

  11. Coming back to life: The return to the physical body and resumption of life.

  12. Telling others about the experience: The compulsion to share the NDE with others.

  13. Effects on lives: Profound changes in values, beliefs, and behaviors following the NDE.

  14. New views of death: A transformed perspective on mortality and the afterlife.

  15. Corroboration of knowledge not acquired through normal perception: Verification of information obtained during the NDE that was previously unknown to the individual.

NDEs, Morality, and Human Existence

In light of William Search's theories on morality and the purpose of human existence, NDEs serve as a window into the deeper aspects of our being. These transformative experiences often lead to a reevaluation of one's values and beliefs, prompting individuals to prioritize love, compassion, and empathy over material pursuits.

Contemplating the Implications

The exploration of NDEs within the context of William Search's theories encourages us to consider the implications of these experiences on our understanding of morality and human existence. By reflecting on the profound insights provided by NDE survivors, we may gain a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of living a morally driven life.


Through the lens of William Search's theories on morality and human existence, near-death experiences offer a unique opportunity to explore the depths of our being and the true essence of our purpose. By examining Moody's 15 distinctive features of NDEs, we can begin to comprehend the transformative power of these events and their potential impact on our understanding of life, death, and the human experience.

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