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313. Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence through the Lens of Islam

Dora Dell

As humans, we often ponder the meaning and purpose of our existence. In his books "Why" and "Conversations with chatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence," William Search theorizes that morality is the reason for human existence. This theory is particularly fascinating when examined through the lens of Islam, a religion that places great emphasis on moral values and social service.

In this article, we will delve into the concepts of Satan, sin, and repentance; prophecy; and social service in Islam, and how they relate to the theory of morality as the reason for human existence.

The Concept of Satan, Sin, and Repentance

In Islam, Satan is believed to be a fallen angel who refused to honor Adam, the first human being. His act of disobedience was seen as the sin of pride, and since then, he has been tempting and beguiling humans into error and sin. However, Islam also emphasizes the concept of repentance, whereby a sinner can repent and achieve redemption by converting to the truth. Genuine repentance has the effect of removing all sins and restoring people to the state of sinlessness in which they started their lives.

The concept of sin and repentance is an essential aspect of Islam, as it emphasizes the importance of moral values and ethics. By acknowledging one's mistakes and seeking forgiveness, one can strive towards a life of righteousness and moral uprightness.

Prophecy in Islam

Prophets are specially elected by God to be his messengers, and the Qur'an requires recognizing all prophets as such without discrimination. In Islam, prophets are human and never part of divinity, and they are simply recipients of revelations from God. God never speaks directly to a human; instead, he sends an angel messenger to him, makes him hear a voice, or inspires him.

Islam recognizes several prophets, including Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus. As vindication of their mission's truth, God often vested them with miracles. For example, Abraham was saved from fire, Noah was saved from the deluge, and Moses was saved from the Pharaoh. Jesus, in Islam, was born from the Virgin Mary, but God also saved him from crucifixion at the hands of the Jews.

Muhammad is accepted as the last prophet in the series and its greatest member, for in him, all the messages of earlier prophets were consummated. He had no miracles except the Qur'an, which is considered a miracle in itself, the likes of which no human can produce. The angel Gabriel brought the Qur'an down to the Prophet's heart, and the revelations occurred in a state of trance.

The Role of Social Service in Islam

The doctrine of social service, including alleviating suffering and helping the needy, is an integral part of Islamic teaching. Praying to God and other religious acts are deemed to be a mere facade in the absence of active welfare service to the needy. The practice of usury is forbidden in Islam, and the hoarding of wealth without recognizing the poor's rights invites the direst punishment in the hereafter. By helping the less fortunate and practicing charity, Muslims can live more virtuous lives.

Islam's emphasis on moral values and social service is a testament to the theory of morality as the reason for human existence. By striving towards righteousness and practicing charity, Muslims can lead fulfilling and purposeful lives. The concepts of sin, repentance, prophecy, and social service all play crucial roles in shaping the moral compass of Muslims and guiding them towards a life of morality and uprightness.

In conclusion, exploring the theory of morality as the reason for human existence through the lens of Islam showcases the religion's emphasis on moral values, ethics, and social service. Islam recognizes the importance of a virtuous life and how it can lead to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge, practicing patience, showing compassion and kindness, and maintaining good relations with others. All of these values and ethics serve to promote a positive and peaceful society.

Furthermore, the concept of social service in Islam goes beyond just charity. It also includes helping the community and promoting social justice. By working towards creating a just society, Muslims can live according to the principles of morality and achieve the ultimate goal of human existence.

In summary, the theory of morality as the reason for human existence is reflected in the core values and beliefs of Islam. The religion emphasizes the importance of moral values, ethics, and social service, and these principles are essential to leading a purposeful and fulfilling life. By following these teachings, Muslims can strive towards righteousness and achieve their ultimate goal of moral and spiritual growth.

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