Human existence is shrouded in mystery, and many theories have been proposed to explain our purpose and meaning. William Search's theory of morality and existence suggests that our sense of morality is an inherent aspect of our being and is tied to our reason for existing.
But how do we explore the intricacies of this theory? How do we investigate the nature of our existence and the role of our sense of morality? One potential avenue is through the study of shared near-death experiences (NDEs).
Shared NDEs provide evidence that NDEs are not just the result of individual imagination or hallucination, but rather a genuine phenomenon that can be experienced by multiple people at the same time. These experiences suggest that NDEs are a glimpse into a deeper spiritual or metaphysical reality beyond our individual minds.
One possible explanation for shared NDEs is that they result from a common physiological or neurological process that occurs during life-threatening experiences. However, another intriguing possibility is that shared NDEs are the result of a collective unconscious or shared reality that exists beyond our individual minds. This suggests that NDEs may be a glimpse into a deeper spiritual or metaphysical reality beyond our individual minds.

The perplexity and burstiness of shared NDEs provide support for the theory of morality and existence. These experiences suggest that our sense of morality is not just a human construct, but rather an inherent aspect of our being that connects us to something greater than ourselves. Further research is needed to fully understand the meaning and implications of shared NDEs and the role they play in our understanding of human existence.
In conclusion, the study of shared NDEs offers a fascinating glimpse into the mystical nature of human existence and supports the theory that morality is tied to our reason for existing. The ideas presented in this blog post are based on William Search's books, "Why" and "Conversations with chatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence."